• One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 9

    22-10-17 COLONEL GERINELDO MRQUEZ was the first to perceive the emptiness of the war. In his position as civil and military leader of Macondo he would have telegraphic conversations twice a week Colonel Aure-liano Buenda. At first those exchanges would deter...

  • live wire 精力充沛的人

    21-11-25 搭配 live wire 的字面意思是 通电的电线,实际可以用来比喻 精力充沛、活力四射的人。 例句 My son is a real live wire he never sits down! 我儿子精力特别充沛,从来都坐不住! Shes a live wire I wish I had her energy to do all the things she does. 她这个人...

  • to come down to the wire 直到最后一刻才见分晓

    21-06-25 表达 to come down to the wire 可用来形容直到最后一刻才开始做某事;在比赛或竞争的语境中,它可以用来表达结果到最后一刻才会揭晓。据说,这个表达源于赛马。在电子计时和监控被采用前,裁判会在比赛的终点拉一根绳子以便判断最先冲过终点的赛马。由此一来,比赛解...

  • Wireless power system shown off 无线供电系统亮相

    09-07-24 A system that can deliver power to devices without the need for wires has been shown off at a hi-tech conference. 一个高科技展会上,一套无线供电系统亮相。 Magnetic fields interact with everyday objects less than electric fields The technique exploit...
