• wipe the smile off 让某人笑不出来

    22-06-22 Wipe the smile off/from someones face 指的是让某人笑不出来,尤其是那些自以为很聪明而惹人厌的人: 例句: I know the other team cheated, they were off side all day, I would love to wipe the smile from their faces but will have to wait until the next t...

  • wipe the floor with someone 让某人一败涂地

    21-09-10 非正式表达 wipe the floor with someone(用某人擦地板) 的实际意思是 在一场比赛中大胜对手,把对方打得一败涂地,它的引申含义是 获胜者在比赛中占绝对上风,立于不败之地。 例句 I cant believe how good she was at chess! She completely wiped the floor with...
