• 祁连山国家公园发现雪豹

    19-05-28 Several wild animals including snow leopards have recently been seen in Qilian Mountain National Park in northwest Chinas Qinghai Province, according to the park administration. 青海祁连山国家公园管理处表示,最近在园区发现几种濒危动物,其中包括雪豹...

  • 李冰冰:是时候制止非法野生动植物贸易了

    16-10-07 Time for tears is past, its time for action Producing genuine tears on demand is one of the hardest parts of my job as an actress. Acting teachers will tell you that in order to cry on screen you need to summon up something personal -- a fear, an in...

  • Angelababy成野生救援最年轻的公益大使

    16-05-18 Chinese actress Yang Ying, better known by her stage name Angelababy, has become the youngest ambassador for WildAid, an environmental organization that focuses on reducing the demand for wildlife products. 中国女演员杨颖,艺名Angelababy,成为野生救...

  • 现代伐木技术对雨林生物有益

    15-03-03 New research has highlighted the value of a modern logging technique for maintaining biodiversity in tropical forests that are used for timber production. Researchers at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) at the University of K...

  • 野生动物走廊有时会帮助入侵物种的扩散

    14-08-07 When the ants come marching in, having miles of linked habitats may not be such a good idea after all. In a classic example of the law of unintended consequences, new University of Florida research suggests that wildlife corridors strips of natural...

  • 放射性碳14测试用于打击偷猎者

    13-07-03 University of Utah researchers developed a new weapon to fight poachers who kill elephants, hippos(河马) , rhinos and other wildlife. By measuring radioactive carbon-14 deposited in tusks(獠牙) and teeth by open-air nuclear bomb tests, the metho...

  • 非洲近半数狮子面临灭绝

    13-03-07 A new report concludes that nearly half of Africa's wild lion populations may decline to near extinction over the next 20-40 years without urgent conservation measures. The plight of many lion populations is so bleak(阴冷的,荒凉的) , the report c...

  • 拉丁美洲成为獏的生存天堂

    13-01-23 Wildlife Conservation Society scientists have documented a thriving population of lowland tapirs(獏) -- the strange forest and grassland-dwelling herbivore(食草动物) with the trunk-like snout -- living in a network of remote national parks spann...

  • 噪声对野生动物的影响

    12-12-17 A new tool developed by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and its partners is being used by scientists and land managers to model how noise travels through landscapes and affects species and ecosystems -- a major factor in land and wildlife ma...

  • 非法狩猎影响非洲热带草原的生态健康

    12-10-15 A new report published today by Panthera confirms that widespread illegal hunting and the bushmeat trade occur more frequently and with greater impact on wildlife populations in the Southern and Eastern savannas(热带稀树草原) of Africa than previo...