• 人造建筑对路易斯安那滨海湿地的影响

    16-06-30 As Louisianas wetlands continue to disappear at an alarming rate, a new study has pinpointed the man-made structures that disrupt the natural water flow and threaten these important ecosystems. The findings have important implications for New Orlean...

  • 哈德逊河湿地面积会随海平面上涨而增加

    16-06-30 In the face of climate change impact and inevitable sea level rise, Cornell and Scenic Hudson scientists studying New Yorks Hudson River estuary have forecast new intertidal wetlands, comprising perhaps 33 percent more wetland area by the year 2100....

  • 利用五大湖鳄龟检测湿地污染程度

    16-06-10 Decades of unregulated industrial waste dumping in areas of the Great Lakes have created a host of environmental and wildlife problems. Now it appears that Lake Michigan painted and snapping turtles could be a useful source for measuring the resulti...

  • 湿地可长期吸收硝酸盐

    15-05-13 Wetlands created 20 years ago between tile-drained agricultural fields and the Embarras River were recently revisited for a new two-year University of Illinois research project. Results show an overall 62 percent nitrate removal rate and little emis...

  • 各种清理工具保护湿地免受原油破坏

    10-05-21 With oil from the big Gulf of Mexico spill threatening fragile coastal wetlands, clean-up crews are about to discover whether a combination of old and new clean-up methods will help limit the environmental damage. That's the topic of an article in C...
