• be well considered in every aspect 面面俱到

    21-12-03 面面俱到,汉语成语,意思是各方面都照顾得很周到,每一个方面都处理的很得当。可以翻译为be well considered in every aspect,try to cover every aspect等。 例句: A:这件事在此之前早该决定了。 This should have been decided long before now. B:我们不可能考...

  • also,as well,too用法辨析

    21-10-29 Also、as well 和 too 都可以用来补充、添加句子的信息,表示 也,还。它们意思相近,但用法却稍有不同。通常情况下,too 和 as well 只能用在句尾;also 既能用在句首,也能用在句中。 用法总结 1 我们可以用 also 修饰动词,放在句子中间使用,表示 也,还。 Hes rea...

  • frog in a well 井底之蛙

    21-08-17 井底之蛙,井底下的青蛙(frog in a well),只能看到井口那么大的一块天。比喻见识短浅的人。可以翻译为person with a narrow view,person with a very limited outlook等。 例句: 如果他们纵容自己呆在校园提供的安全感里,他们就会变成井底之蛙,永远无法抓住适应...

  • in the cards 可能

    20-10-14 In the cards从字面上来看,很多小伙伴会以为是在卡片中或者在纸牌中的意思。 如果你也这样认为,那就是大错特错了! 我们可以从在卡片中、在纸牌中的字面意思往深想一想...... 想一想我们玩桌游的时候,卡牌里的东西代表着什么? 如果还联想不到,那就先来看一下下面...

  • 工欲善其事,必先利其器

    20-10-10 工欲善其事,必先利其器,出自《论语》,意思是工匠想要很好地完成工作,必须先把工具弄得锋利好用。比喻要做好一件事,准备工作是很重要的(In order to do something well, one needs to make preparations)。可以翻译为a workman must first sharpen his tools if...

  • 由well组成的形容词

    20-05-08 Put the correct well-adjective into the sentences: well-balanced well-behaved well-connected well-informed well-mannered well-off well-dressed well-made It is important to be ________ for a job interview. I like to buy ________ furniture as it lasts...

  • 8882米 中国石油钻出亚洲最深油井

    19-07-26 The Tarim oilfield branch of PetroChina said Thursday that it has completed drilling the deepest oil well on land in Asia. 中国石油塔里木油田分公司周四表示,该公司已钻出亚洲陆上最深的油井。 The Luntan One well, with a current depth of 8,882 meters,...

  • 四川火山岩工业井中发现天然气

    18-12-18 Chinas southwestern Sichuan Province has dug an industrial well that pumps gas from volcanic stratum, the first of its kind in the Sichuan basin, a major gas production area in China. 四川省一眼工业井可以从火山岩地层中抽出天然气,这在四川盆地尚属首...

  • 井蛙之乐

    15-12-11 A frog lived in a shallow well. One day, it met beside the well a large soft-shelled turtle which had just crawled up from the sea. The frog bragged to the turtle: Look, how happy I am to live here! When I feel glad, I would bounce for a while near...

  • 狗阻告状

    15-09-29 In a village, a dog often shitted by the side of a well. Several tens of families in the whole village drew water from the well. They all hated the dog, and wanted to tell its master to have it kept under control. But whenever the people who wanted...