• a community with a shared future for mankind 人类命运共同体

    21-01-25 2017年1月18日,国家主席习近平在瑞士日内瓦的联合国万国宫发表主旨演讲,系统阐述构建人类命运共同体重要理念,对全世界面临的挑战和问题提出中国理念、中国方案。 On Jan 18, 2017, President Xi Jinping explained his vision of building a community with a share...

  • 云南男子买彩票中2095万 但彩票丢失无法领奖

    18-12-20 A man from Yunnan Province won a 20.95 million yuan lottery but failed to claim it because he lost his ticket, reports online video service Pear Video. 梨视频报道,云南省某男子买彩票中了2095万元但因彩票丢失无法领奖。 It is the second largest amount...

  • occupational disease 职业病

    17-04-23 Those suffering from occupational diseases will receive more welfare benefits following a newly issued plan urging local governments and companies to strengthen preventive measures. 新发布的规划要求当地政府和企业加强职业病防护措施,职业病患者将得到...

  • public welfare 公益事业

    13-05-08 句子:他随时准备为公益而牺牲个人利益。 误译:He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest for public good. 正译:He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest for public welfare. 解释:作为名词,good 有两个意思:一是好处、益处、利益...

  • animal welfare 动物福利

    12-10-11 The first comprehensive law to address animal welfare was expected to be submitted to the country's legislature in 2009, but there is still no clear timetable for legislation, Chang Jiwen, a law professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, w...
