• 为宠物举办婚礼为哪般

    15-02-23 When pet owners dress up their dogs in miniature white dresses and tiny tuxes, some believe the barks that signal 'I do' reveal true puppy love. 当主人们为自己的狗狗精心打扮,给它们穿上迷你白色婚纱和燕尾服时,有些人相信,这时候狗狗的叫声就是在表达象...

  • 《幸运查克》一

    13-11-14 精彩对白 Host: Yo, yo, yo, hold on to your pantyhose . The hostess with the mostest has got a toastess. Bride: I just want to thank everybody for coming to share this day with us. I couldn't imagine being any happier than I am right now. Guest: Wait...

  • fast-food marriage 快餐式婚姻

    12-12-12 Marriages in modern society are like French fries produced on restaurant assembly lines, coming and going in the twinkle of an eye. There is flash marriage and flash divorce. Young men and women may get married soon after their first date, and then...

  • 经济不景气引发冬日婚潮

    12-01-08 Brides are increasingly shunning summer weddings and getting married during winter instead to cut costs amid the economic gloom, figures suggest. 数据显示,越来越多的新娘避开夏天而选择在冬天举行婚礼,目的是在当前经济不景气的状况下减少开支。 Register...

  • 英国教会失误致使200万婚姻不合法

    10-12-05 Two million husbands and wives are not lawfully married because of a Church of England blunder, it was revealed yesterday. 昨日有消息透露,由于英国国教会的一个失误,200万夫妇都未能成为合法夫妻。 Their church weddings are legally invalid because the...
