• 机械螃蟹

    23-01-29 招潮蟹在英语里被称为fiddle crab. 这是因为它们拥有一只特别大的螯,就像小提琴一样。现在科学家们采用了一个机械螃蟹来说明雌蟹喜欢那些能够以最大舞蹈动作来显佩自己的雄蟹。 To the fiddler crabs, the Australian mudflats in the north of the country are a hea...

  • making waves 制造风波

    21-12-17 如果某人或某事 makes waves 这就意味着他们对外产生了影响,制造风波。 例句 The footballer is making waves. I think a lot of people are shocked by his comments. This news story is really making waves this week. Everyone is talking about it. In the conf...

  • 天文学家捕捉到宇宙星系超清图像

    21-09-17 天文学家捕捉到了迄今为止最详细清晰的一些深空星系图像,其清晰度要远高于普通图像,这些超清图像以前所未有的细节揭示了星系内部的运作情况。 The images have been created from the radio waves emitted from the galaxies. 这些图像是根据从星系发出的无线电波生...

  • make waves 引起轰动,制造风波

    21-08-13 我们用 make waves 来形容某人或事对外产生了影响,引起轰动,甚至制造风波。 例句 This footballer is really making waves. People are impressed by his consistently amazing performances. This news story is really making waves this week. Everyone is talkin...

  • make waves 兴风作浪

    21-01-10 兴风作浪,汉语成语,字面意思是raise winds and waves,比喻煽动情绪,挑起事端,可以翻译为incite trouble and create confusion;stir up trouble [disorder]。也可用英文俚语make waves表示,有to cause trouble or controversy, especially that which affects th...

  • 气候变化使海浪更强力

    19-01-17 The ocean waves are getting stronger as a result of climate change, which might pose dangers for coastal communities in the future, according to a latest study published in the scientific journal Nature. 科技期刊《自然》上发表的最新研究显示,海浪因...

  • 中国将发射24颗微卫星以探测引力波

    17-09-22 China plans to launch 24 microsatellites to detect the electromagnetic counterpart of gravitational waves. 中国计划发射24颗微卫星以探测引力波。 Tiange Program, or the Grid Program, will be carried out by Tsinghua Center for Astrophysics and commerci...

  • 巨浪形成的数学解释

    16-06-22 An international team of scientists has developed a relatively simple mathematical explanation for the rogue ocean waves that can develop seemingly out of nowhere to sink ships and overwhelm oil platforms with walls of water as much as 25 meters hig...