• muddy the waters 把水搅浑

    22-11-28 短语 muddy the waters(把水搅浑) 的实际意思是 搞乱某个状况,使事情或问题变得更复杂或不清楚。 例句 In trying to fix the problem, Roys advice just muddied the waters. 本想解决问题,但罗伊的建议反倒把事情越搞越乱。 Having two managers working on the p...

  • fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼

    21-01-09 混水摸鱼,汉语成语,亦作浑水摸鱼,原指在混浊的水中,鱼晕头转向,乘机摸鱼,可以得到意外的好处,比喻趁混乱的时候从中捞取不正当的利益(acquire profit in time of trouble)。与英文俗语fish in troubled waters意思相近,表示to try to capitalize on or benefi...

  • 地层深处发现富氢水

    14-12-18 A team of scientists, led by the University of Toronto's Barbara Sherwood Lollar, has mapped the location of hydrogen-rich waters found trapped kilometres beneath Earth's surface in rock fractures in Canada, South Africa and Scandinavia. Common in P...
