• 犹豫不决

    22-03-22 1. Im not sure what I want to do. 我不确定我想做什么。 类似的表达还有: I dont think I know what I want. 我觉得我不知道我想要什么。 Im really unsure about what I want to do. 我真的不确定我想做什么。 Im feeling really indecisive. 我真觉得没法决定。...

  • 伤害,触怒某人

    22-01-07 踩到某人的脚趾,引申为伤害,触怒某人,得罪某人。 例句1: - We dont want to step on anyones toes. -我们不想得罪任何人。 例句2: - You can step on anybodys toes, but not on his. -你们得罪谁都行,就是别得罪他。...

  • 安慰他人 下

    21-11-30 我不想给您添麻烦。 I dont want to put you out. *put out有添麻烦的意思。 I dont want to bother you. I dont want to cause you trouble. 这算什么呀。 This is nothing. Its no big deal. Its no problem. 多糟糕呀! How terrible! How awful! 别小题大作。 No bi...

  • average Joe 普通人

    21-11-12 Average Joe 平凡的Joe? 正确意思:普通人 Joe这个名字太常见了,后来被形容那些,像我和你一样的普通人,不论男女都适用,平凡的普通人。 你还敢乱起英文名吗? 举个例子: Dont expect too much. I just want to be an average Joe. 不要期望太大,我只是想做一个普...

  • I'll think about it. 我会考虑考虑。

    21-07-19 当你问别人要不要出去玩。他回复:Ill think about it. -Do you want to go there tommorow? -Emmm...Maybe I will think about it. -你明天想去那里吗? -或许我会考虑考虑。...

  • 分手

    21-05-25 你只会用搭配break up来表示分手吗?在英语里,想提出分手的时候,虽然可以说:I want to break up.但其实这只是多个用来说分手的表达之一。 用以下五个句子来提分手。 1. I think we should split up. 我觉得我们应该分手了。 在谈论结束恋爱关系的语境中,搭配split...

  • want for nothing 要什么有什么

    21-05-10 表达 want for nothing 用来比喻 拥有一切需要的事物,要什么有什么,形容 生活富足、舒适。这里,动词 want 的意思并不是 想要,而是 需要。这个说法多用于谈论某人在生活上得到了无微不至的照顾,什么也不缺。 例句 Nigel is a very dedicated son. He makes sure th...

  • I want nothing but the best for you

    12-04-11 I want nothing but the best for you, and that's why I want you to always have me in your life... Wanting the best for you means wanting you to always have a friend you can count on, a love you can celebrate, arms you can come home to, and a life tha...

  • That's what I want to find out

    12-01-19 We have got a new dog, would you like to come around and play with him? Well, I don't know. Does he bite? That's what I want to find out. 我们又得到了一只新狗,你要过来和他玩玩吗? 哦, 我不知道。他咬人吗? 这正是我想要知道的。...

  • All I Want Is To Love You Forever

    10-09-29 All I want is to love you for the rest of my life... to wake up every morning with you by my side, knowing that no matter what happens, I'll be able to come home to your loving arms. All I want is to share everything with you... to talk to you about...