• 美国初创企业推出电动“风火轮”鞋子

    22-11-14 近日,美国一家机器人初创企业推出了一款号称全世界最快的鞋子,据称最多能将步行速度提高250%。这款鞋子装有电动风火轮,穿着这种鞋可以像穿普通鞋子一样行走,并能根据穿着者步行数据加快或减慢速度。 A Pittsburgh-based robotics and engineering startup recently...

  • 杰夫·贝索斯:印度的亚马逊(3)

    22-10-25 Storytelling is the oldest thing that humans do. 讲故事是人类做的最古老的事情。 Weve been doing it for thousands and thousands of years long before there was written language before there was any medium to convey it. 在书面语言出现之前,在任何媒介出...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 16

    22-09-14 After I had my breakfast, it was only around noon, and I wasnt meeting old Sally till two oclock, so I started taking this long walk. I couldnt stop thinking about those two nuns. I kept thinking about that beatup old straw basket they went around c...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 13

    22-09-14 I walked all the way back to the hotel. Forty-one gorgeous blocks. I didnt do it because I felt like walking or anything. It was more because I didnt feel like getting in and out of another taxicab. Sometimes you get tired of riding in taxicabs the...