• 社交时差

    21-02-09 你是早起的鸟还是夜猫子?如果答案是夜猫子,那么你可能会遭受社交时差的折磨。如果你是每天早上为了上班不得不痛苦的从被窝里爬起来,而利用周末补觉的人,那么我们找到了可能帮助你调整睡眠的好方法。 From Monday to Friday, many of us have an early start and a...

  • 几个用来叫人起床的口语说法

    20-10-14 1. Wakey-wakey! 醒一醒! 这是一个口头用语。Wakey-wakey源自动词wake醒来,它是一个用来叫他人起床的常用说法。 2. Wake up! 快醒醒! 这个祈使句直截了当地叫他人起床。如果想表示叫某人起床,可以说wake someone up。比如:Wake your sister up!把你妹妹叫醒! 3....

  • Cheyenne

    13-10-11 Cheyenne Rachel Jamison Webster I went down and down. I swam beside the boat, near its sucking wake and tall dangerous sides. I pulled through water hung with mud and slick(光滑的) shale-stumbled banks running up to trees and scattered logs bleach...

  • Moon Over

    12-11-07 Moon Over Brad Leithauser Scuba divers(戴水肺的潜水员) will sometimes drown within a night sea after confusing up and down. It seems so basic up/down and yet, immersed in a black neutral buoyancy(浮力) , the world's boundaries all wet, a person...
