• upperwear 上装

    22-10-10 网络主播可谓是时下最热门的职业,网络主播可以没有像样的裤子,但一定要有魅力十足的上装,因为屏幕另一头的观众看到的都是网络主播的上半身。 Upperwear is the wardrobe you create when you work on line or on TV and are only seen from the waist up. 上装就是...

  • 如何摆脱腰间赘肉?

    16-07-16 An amped-up workout can help. A review in the Journal of Obesity found that women who did high-intensity interval workouts burned more of the subcutaneous belly fat that causes love handles than women who exercised longer at a lower-intensity, stead...

  • A4 waist A4腰

    16-04-28 In China, the A4 waist challenge is going viral, especially with women, and social media is flooded with the results. 近日,A4腰挑战在中国,尤其是女性当中,十分流行,社交媒体上已经被A4腰刷屏。 何为A4腰(A4 waist)?比A4纸还要窄的小蛮腰称为A4腰。当然...

  • 运动量少是腰围增加的真凶

    14-07-09 Sedentary lifestyle and not caloric intake may be to blame for increased obesity in the US, according to a new analysis of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). A study published in The American Journal of Medicine...
