• 奥巴马讲话 呼吁国会提高最低工资标准

    14-02-21 Hi, everybody. In this year of action, I said I'd do everything in my power to expand opportunity for more Americans. And this week, I took action to lift more workers' wages by requiring federal contractors to pay their employees a fair wage of at...

  • 美国快餐店工人正酝酿举行大罢工

    13-12-20 据美国《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国大约100个城市的快餐店工人酝酿在近日举行大罢工,要求将最低工资提高至每小时15美元。 Fast-food workers are poised to walk off the job(罢工) in 100 cities Thursday, the latest action in a nationwide push for a $15-an-hour...

  • 英政府将加强监督不支付最低工资的雇主

    13-12-02 The government will toughen enforcement against employers who do not pay the national minimum wage today when it writes to hundreds of companies warning them they could be targeted for on-the-spot checks by the taxman. 英国政府表示将加强执法打击不支...

  • 南非8万名金矿工人举行罢工

    13-09-04 Some 80,000 gold miners in South Africa have gone on a strike to call for higher pay. 南非大约八万名金矿工人举行罢工,要求提高工资水平。 The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is now calling for a 10% wage rise, down from earlier demands for increa...

  • 英国高等教育界存在收入差别

    12-03-05 At least 1,000 staff at Cambridge University are earning below the living wage, unions claim, around 20 times less than the annual package of the vice-chancellor. 英国工会称,剑桥大学至少1000名职工薪水低于基本生活工资,是大学副校长年收入的近1/20。 F...

  • 文化程度低的女性更难就业

    12-02-13 Women with low literacy suffer disproportionately more than men, encountering more difficulties in finding a well-paying job and being twice as likely to end up in the group of lowest wage earners, a study released on Wednesday said. 周三发布的一项...

  • 尼日利亚工人将为工资增长举行罢工

    10-11-10 Nigerian unions have said they will go ahead with a threatened nationwide strike for a rise in the minimum wage. 尼日利亚工会,他们将为增长最低工资标准举行一场全国行罢工。 The president cut short a trip to Nigeria's business hub Lagos to meet union...

  • 南非政府向罢工工人做出让步

    10-09-01 The South African government has increased its wage offer to more than a million striking public sector workers. 南非政府同意一百多万名举行罢工的国营部门职工提出的加薪要求。 With teachers and nurses on strike, schools and hospitals have been in disa...

  • 施瓦辛格削减政府工作人员薪酬

    10-07-02 California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has ordered some 200,000 state workers to be paid the minimum wage because no budget has been passed. 加州州长阿诺德施瓦辛格下令对20万名政府工作人员实行最低工资标准。 Arnold Schwarzenegger's state faces a hu...

  • Want the world's best wages? Move to Switzerland 调查:瑞士

    09-09-12 A general view taken on April 20, 2008 shows the Swiss city of Zurich and the Limmat River. Employees in Zurich and Geneva have the highest net wages in the world, a study by banking group UBS shows. It pays to work in Switzerland: employees in Zuri...