• 套路 上

    22-03-02 1. Routine 这个词大家都不陌生,除了表示日常、例行公事,也可以指平时表现中惯用的动作、桥段等。 He went into his usual Im the head of the family routine. 他又搬出了我是一家之主那一套。 2. Beat around the bush 套路总是一套一套的,不喜欢直奔主题,套路深...

  • 屈冬玉当选联合国粮农组织总干事

    19-06-24 Qu Dongyu, Chinas vice minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was elected as new Director-General of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome on Sunday. 中国农业农村部副部长屈冬玉周日在罗马当选联合国粮食农业组织新任总干...

  • 津巴布韦现任总统姆南加古瓦获连任

    18-08-03 Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) declared early Friday that current President Emmerson Mnangagwa has won the nations presidential election. 津巴布韦选举委员会周五宣布,现任总统埃默森姆南加古瓦在大选中获胜。 According to the counting result, Mnang...