• 北京冬奥会志愿者招募工作启动

    19-12-06 The Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Olympic Games officially started its global recruitment drive for Games volunteers outside the newly completed Shougang big air venue on Thursday. 本周四,北京2022冬奥会和残奥会组委会正式启动志愿者全球招募工作...

  • 两位美籍华人被授予总统义工服务奖

    18-12-28 Two prominent Chinese Americans were honored on Wednesday with the Presidents Volunteer Service Award (Lifetime Achievement Award) for recognition of their lifelong service to enhance the life quality of the Asian community in New York City. 两位杰...

  • voluntold 被自愿

    14-12-23 Voluntold means to be told to volunteer for something; compulsorily or forcibly volunteered. 被自愿即被要求从事志愿活动,被迫自愿服务。 Example: I was voluntold to be Santa Claus. 我被自愿地当了圣诞老人。...

  • 自愿帮助他人有助身体健康

    11-09-07 People who volunteer may live longer than those who don't, as long as their reasons for volunteering are to help others rather than themselves, suggests new research published by the American Psychological Association. This was the first time resear...
