• post-lunch slump 午餐后困倦

    22-10-12 中午吃饱饭回到办公桌前困得不行?整个下午都昏昏欲睡没有精力?别急,这其实是很多职场人士遇到的普遍状况。想摆脱午餐后困倦?抽点时间活动活动筋骨吧。 It is a feeling familiar to many. You return to your office after lunch and are hit with a wave of slugg...

  • 酒精的度数

    21-12-07 酒精度的定义是指酒中纯乙醇(酒精)所含的容量百分比。 比如某酒100毫升中纯乙醇含量为10毫升,这种酒的酒度就是10度。 酒精度在英语中可以表达为alcohol by volume。 释义: Alcohol by volume (abbreviated as ABV, abv, or alc/vol) is a standard measure of how...

  • 舌头脂肪量高可能是导致睡眠障碍的主要原因

    20-11-24 一项研究表明,睡眠呼吸暂停综合症这个可以使人在夜间喘不过气的睡眠疾病也许与患者舌头上的脂肪量有关。 Researchers dont know why fat collects on the tongue, but they do know that larger and fattier tongues are more common among overweight people, who ar...

  • 轻声讲话和唱歌能降低新冠病毒传播风险

    20-08-26 Sing softly and dont shout to reduce the risk of Covid-19 spread, new research suggests, offering a ray of hope for musicians who have been restricted from performing in public. 新研究指出,轻声歌唱、不喊叫可以降低新冠病毒传播风险,这给那些被限制在...

  • 厌食症患者大脑体积会随体重增加而增大

    10-05-27 A team of American psychologists(心理学家) and neuroscientists(神经系统学家) have found that adult brain volume, which can be reduced by Anorexia Nervosa(神经性食欲缺乏) , can be regained. The research, published in the International Journal o...
