• 8种“长寿食物”

    22-10-21 1. Greens 绿色蔬菜 Greens such as spinach, kale, collard greens, chard, etc. are a nutrient-dense food. They are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress. Research has shown that consuming at least one serving of greens a d...

  • 专为防止宿醉设计的新饮品

    15-08-03 Sore heads the morning after the night before could become a thing of the past thanks to a 'revolutionary' new drink - designed to prevent HANGOVERS. 一种专为防止宿醉设计的革命性新饮品有望令宿醉第二天早上醒来后的头痛成为过去时。 The 3.60 drink, desi...

  • Hidden hunger 隐性饥饿

    12-10-02 Hidden hunger is unlike the hunger that comes from a lack of food. It is micronutrient deficiency caused by a chronic lack of vitamins and minerals that often has no visible warning signs, so that people who suffer from it may not even be aware of i...

  • 商标词汇 1

    12-02-06 1: Pablum 精神食粮 The term pablum(婴儿麦片食品) means something insipid, simplistic, or bland which is unfortunate, because its namesake(名义,同名物) was a brilliant invention. In 1930, a trio of Canadian pediatricians(儿科医生) created a ce...

  • 研究:正常人不建议服用膳食补充剂

    11-10-16 Vitamins and other food supplements taken by millions of women may actually put them at more risk, according to a major study. 最新研究表明,数百万女性经常服用的维生素及膳食补充制剂很可能有害健康。 Scientists say there is little evidence the pills d...

  • 过多服用维生素会提高死亡率

    11-10-11 When it comes to vitamins, it appears you could have too much of a good thing, say researchers. 研究人员称,就维生素而言,服用太多也不是好事。 Experts have suspected for some time that supplements may only be beneficial if a person is deficient in a...

  • 患乳糜泻的儿童需要补充维生素以强化骨骼

    10-07-23 Children with celiac disease(乳糜泻) need to include certain must-have vitamins in their diets to stave off(避开,延缓) weak bones and osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) , say researchers at the University of Alberta. A study of 43 children and teens fr...
