• constantly strive to become stronger 自强不息

    20-09-17 自强不息,汉语成语,意思是自己努力向上,强大自己,永不懈怠停息(one should strive continuously to strengthen himself)。可以翻译为constantly strive to become stronger;make unremitting efforts to improve oneself。 这是中国人参照天体运行状态树立的理...

  • CATTI考试文化类词汇 下

    15-09-15 《道德经》Tao Te Ching/Classic of the Way of Virtue 《弟子规》 Disciples Regulation 《百家姓》 Pamphlet of Chinese Surnames/Book of (China's)Family Names 《战国策》 Strategies of the Warring States 民本思想 populist ideas 民间文化 folk culture 民俗...

  • Values for Americans

    14-09-26 One of the most basic moral values for Americans is honesty. The well-known legend about George Washington and the cherry tree teaches this value clearly. Little George cut down his father's favorite cherry tree while trying out his new hatchet. Whe...

  • 论美

    14-06-30 Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set; and surely virtue is best, in a body that is comely, though not of delicate features; and that hath rather dignity of presence, than beauty of aspect. Neither is it almost seen, that very beautiful person...

  • 子罕拒玉

    14-05-29 A farmer in the state of Song once got a piece of stone with jade(翡翠,碧玉) in it. He presented this stone to Prime Minister Zi Han. But Zi Han refused to accept it. The farmer explained, It looks like just a stone, but there is jade inside. It...

  • Knowledge and Virtue

    14-05-15 Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another; good sense is not conscience, refinement is not humility, nor is largeness and justness of view faith. Philosophy, however enlightened, however profound, gives no command over the passions, no influential m...

  • 《孔子》语录:为人处世

    10-03-24 道不同,不相为谋。Those whose courses are different cannot lay plans for one another. 君子不以言举人,不以人废言。The superior man does not promote a man simply on account of his words, not does he put aside good words because of the man. 工欲善其事...

  • Telling the truth

    09-12-11 There is a story of a thief who satisfied the material needs of his family by stealing money from unsuspecting travelers. When he realized that what he was doing was not ethical道德的,伦理的 , he went to a holy man and asked for help. He told him t...
