• 网络“性敲诈”大多数受害者是青少年

    16-05-20 Sextortion -- using nude photos of someone to press for even racier content or other goods -- is surprisingly common, a US think tank says in what it calls the first in-depth study of another danger lurking in cyberspace. 美国一家智库称,性敲诈行为...

  • 英国警方给“未成年”受害绵羊打马赛克引热议

    16-05-17 Social media sites have been rammed with confusion after police released blurred images of victims of crime - who happened to be sheep. 英国警方公布了一组打了马赛克的犯罪受害者照片,大家在社交网站上纷纷表示疑惑不解,因为受害者居然是绵羊。 The lambs...

  • 《华盛顿邮报》2015年度十大好书 下

    16-02-15 Future Crimes: Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable, and What We Can Do About It BY MARC GOODMAN Welcome to the brave new world of criminal technology, where robbers have been replaced by hackers and victims include all of us on the Web....

  • revenge porn 色情报复

    15-09-17 On Sept 1, a new Texas law goes into effect that criminalizes posting intimate photos of a partner that were sent that were sent with the understanding they remain private on the Internet. Posting revenge porn will now be a class A misdemeanor which...

  • silent tribute 默哀

    14-05-23 Members of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) pay silent tribute to the victims of the Saturday terrorist attack in southwestern city of Kunming, at the opening of the second session of the...

  • 《超凡蜘蛛侠》精彩语句

    14-04-30 He's a character. 他这人就这样。 I was touching up stuff. 我还做了润色。 Come on. I know a right cross when I see it. 别装了,我一看就知道这是右勾拳。 I'm afraid duty calls. I will leave you in the more-than-capable hands of Miss Stacy. 我还有事,就...

  • 堪萨斯城发生枪击案 三人死亡

    14-04-14 Three people, including a man and his grandson, have been shot dead at a Jewish community site and a retirement home in Kansas City in the US Midwest. 美国中西部城市堪萨斯城一处犹太人社区与一座养老院发生枪击事故,三人死亡,其中包括一名老人与他孙子。...

  • 伦敦警方破不了案就送花

    13-04-03 POLICE are sending bouquets of flowers to victims of burglaries and muggings - crimes they often have difficulty solving. 伦敦警方正在给那些盗窃和抢劫案的受害者送花束盗窃和抢劫经常难以破案。 They claim the gift helps soften the blow, but it can also...

  • 日本国会批准东京电力的赔偿计划

    11-08-03 Japan's parliament has approved a plan to help Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) compensate victims of its tsunami-crippled nuclear plant. 日本国会批准了一项帮助东京电力公司赔偿核电站受害者的计划。 Crisis at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has seen peopl...

  • 窃听丑闻迫使《世界新闻报》关门倒闭

    11-07-10 The News of the World, Rupert Murdoch's embattled British tabloid, will lay off 200 workers and shut down publication after its Sunday edition. 鲁珀特默多克旗下的小报《世界新闻报》因陷入窃听电话丑闻,将于本周日出版最后一期,随后关闭,两百名员工将遭...