• too & very 的区别

    20-10-15 Very = 很 When we use very, its not clear whether what we are describing is a good or a bad thing. 当我们用 very 时,并没有说明所描述的事物是好是坏。 The building is very old. This could be a good thing: the building is old and beautiful. It could a...

  • 用更精准的词来代替very

    20-10-10 1.hilarious=very funny非常好笑 众所周知,funny有两层意思,一个有好笑的意思,一个有奇怪的意思,但hilarious只有好笑的意思,请看例句: We thought it was hilarious when we first heard about it . 我们第一次听说此事时,觉得很好笑。 2.swamped=very busy非常...
