• 第21届中译英研讨会热词4

    13-02-01 1. 剩女、剩男 girls left/3S lady (single, seventies, stuck) left-over Lisa 2. 甲客族 ads-on-cars drivers vehicle wraps 3. 杠杆女、经适男 lever women/budget husband no-frills/supportive wife/safety-net husband 4. 笑点、泪点、痛点 bursting point haha...

  • mobile clinics 流动医院

    12-12-12 A hundred mobile clinics donated by the China Health Medical Development Foundation (CHMDF) have to date benefited over 30 million villagers and herdsman in remote areas of China, according to an announcement by the charity. 由中国医药卫生事业发展基...

  • 阿富汗某省警察局长被炸死

    12-12-10 The police chief of Afghanistan's western Nimroz province has been killed in a bomb attack, officials said. 阿富汗西部尼姆鲁兹省警察局长在一场炸弹袭击中丧生。 Gen Mohammad Musa Rasuli was travelling back to the province from Herat when his vehicle w...

  • 美国将于2020年发射新火星探测车

    12-12-05 The US space agency (Nasa) says it will launch a new rover to Mars in 2020. 美国宇航局称,他们将在2020年向火星发射一颗新的探测车。 Curiosity landed in Gale Crater four months ago The vehicle will be based on its Curiosity robot, which landed on the...

  • Drug driving 药驾

    12-09-18 Drug driving means driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs other than alcohol. 药驾(drug driving)指服用药物之后驾驶机动车的行为,与酒驾有相似之处。 Driving whilst under the influence of drugs is extremely dangerous and can affec...

  • 精确监控城市交通状况

    12-08-08 Cities count the number of cars on the road in order to plan everything from the timing of stoplights to road repairs. But the in-road metal detectors that do the counting can make errors -- most often by registering that a car is present when one i...

  • 公交运营词汇

    12-03-08 operating 运营,营运 (公共交通的运输和经营) passenger transport 客运 (城市公共交通企业运送乘客的业务) working shift 劳动班次 (一天中,司机、乘务员工作时间的安排) one-piece run 整班 (司机、乘务员连续工作的劳动班次) every other run 分班 (司机...

  • 吸食大麻驾驶会使车祸几率翻倍

    12-02-13 Drivers who consume cannabis(大麻) within three hours of driving are nearly twice as likely to cause a vehicle collision as those who are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol claims a paper published recently on the British Medical Journal...

  • 雷诺-尼桑联盟汽车销量创新高

    12-01-11 The Renault-Nissan partnership's global vehicle sales increased 10% last year to a record high. 2011年雷诺-尼桑合伙企业的全球汽车销量增长10%,创历史新高。 Deliveries by the two car companies and their Russian partner AvtoVaz rose to 8.03 million veh...

  • The Realm Of The Unreal 1

    12-01-11 For a part of the distance between Auburn and Newcastle the road -- first on one side of a creek(小溪) and then on the other -- occupies the whole bottom of the ravine(沟壑,山涧) , being partly cut out of the steep hillside, and partly built up...