• 我国新冠疫苗接种超4亿剂次

    21-05-18 截至5月16日,31个省区市及新疆生产建设兵团累计报告接种新冠病毒疫苗40693.8万剂次。 China is working at full throttle to vaccinate its people against COVID-19, as over 400 million doses had been administered as of Sunday, just nine days after the figur...

  • 我国首款移动疫苗接种车4月将投入使用

    21-03-21 据《北京日报》报道,我国首款移动疫苗接种车预计4月在北京、河北等地投用。 Chinas first vaccination vehicle will hit the streets in April in Beijing and north Chinas Hebei province, which will allow people to receive COVID-19 shots near their residence...

  • 'No post-jab paracetamol' advice 建议:接种疫苗后不宜注射扑

    09-10-16 Giving paracetamol to babies after vaccinations as a precaution against fever may lower the effectiveness of the immunisation, say researchers. 研究人员称,在接种疫苗后对婴儿注射扑热息痛作为对发烧的预防措施可能降低疫苗的效力。 Some children get a mi...
