• 中国首位子宫移植母亲成功分娩

    19-01-24 A 26-year-old mother has successfully given birth following a uterus transplant. 一位26岁经历过子宫移植手术的母亲成功分娩。 According to the Peoples Daily, this is the first case in China, and only the 14th in the world, where a baby has been born t...

  • 研究:新方法来“停止”早产

    09-10-23 A drug used to treat cancer can stop contractions and may prevent premature labour, researchers say. 研究人员称,一种治疗癌症的药物可以停止子宫收缩并防止早产。 Premature birth rates are rising in the UK The Newcastle University team tested the drug...
