• 癌症的存在与多细胞生命一样古老

    14-06-25 Every year around 450,000 people in Germany are diagnosed with cancer. Each one of them dreams of a victory in the battle against it. But can cancer ever be completely defeated? Researchers at Kiel University (CAU) have now reached a sobering(清醒...

  • 间变淋巴瘤激酶两种检测法的结果不同

    14-02-26 The findings of a recent study indicate that routine testing with both fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) may enhance the detection of ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Accurate determination of AL...

  • 司美替尼可抑制卵巢癌的恶化

    13-02-18 Researchers at The University of Arizona Cancer Center at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix have discovered that many women with low-grade serous(血浆的) carcinoma(癌) of the ovary or peritoneum(腹膜) have seen their tumors s...

  • 长期使用手机与患脑瘤有关联

    12-10-27 意大利最高法院近日判定,称60岁的商人马可里尼所患脑瘤与其长期使用手机有一定关联。这一判定有可能会引来大量与手机使用相关的疾病诉讼案件。 A landmark court case has ruled there is a link between using a mobile phone and brain tumors, paving the way for...

  • 科学家完成乳腺癌基因特性的研究

    12-09-24 A team of scientists with The Cancer Genome Atlas program reports their genetic characterization(描述) of 800 breast tumors, including finding some of the genetic causes of the most common forms of breast cancer, providing clues for new therapeuti...

  • 某个干细胞的变异引发了子宫肌瘤

    12-05-07 Fibroid(子宫肌瘤) uterine tumors affect an estimated 15 million women in the United States, causing irregular bleeding, anemia(贫血) , pain and infertility. Despite the high prevalence of the tumors, which occur in 60 percent of women by age 45,...

  • 揭开软组织肉瘤的基因分子之谜

    11-12-01 Scientists at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston have uncovered important molecular and genetic keys to the development of soft-tissue sarcomas(肉瘤) in skeletal(骨骼的) muscle, giving researchers and clinicians additional targets to stop the grow...

  • 研究发现某些肿瘤的代谢途径

    11-11-24 A research team led by UT Southwestern Medical Center scientists has identified an atypical(非典型的) metabolic pathway unique to some tumors, possibly providing a future target for drugs that could reduce or halt the spread of cancer. Dr. Ralph D...

  • 水飞蓟萃取物成功阻止鼠类肺癌细胞扩散

    11-11-16 Tissue with wound-like conditions allows tumors to grow and spread. In mouse lung cancer cells, treatment with silibinin(水飞蓟) , a major component of milk thistle, removed the molecular billboards that signal these wound-like conditions and so s...

  • 如何对付三苯氧胺耐药性

    11-11-15 In the last three decades, thousands of women with breast cancer have taken the drug tamoxifen(三苯氧胺) , only to discover that the therapy doesn't work, either because their tumors do not respond to the treatment at all, or because they develop...