• 是否存在一辈子的朋友?

    22-01-05 我们都需要朋友,但友谊是一成不变的吗?生活的变迁意味着我们的朋友圈也会发生变化。哪些人是泛泛之交?哪些人才是推心置腹的挚友? Who do you count as your friends? From our BFF to a work mate, its good to have someone to chew the fat with or offer comfor...

  • ten a penny 多得遍地都是

    21-12-02 便士 penny 是英镑中价值最小的货币单位。用一便士 a penny 就能买到的东西一般情况下不珍贵,而且价值较低。因此,表达 ten a penny 用一便士能买到十个既说明该事物随处可见,价格很低,又可以形容一类人或一种行业到处都有,多得遍地都是。 例句 Builders are ten a...

  • 团建活动的英文表达

    21-01-26 周末静修 Weekend retreats Weekend retreats include yoga, massage, and meditation workshops. 周末的静修活动包括瑜伽、按摩、以及冥想工作坊。 坐地起身 Partner standing challenges Pairs sit back-to-back, arms linked and have to stand up together. 两个人...

  • trust someone with your life 能够让你生死相托的人

    20-12-03 表达 trust someone with your life 用来表达你对一个人拥有完全的信任,甚至会把自己的生命托付给这个人。它暗示当你有需要时,这个人会不惜把自己置于危险的境地,毫不犹豫地帮助你,所以非常可靠。 例句 When I go mountain climbing, I always like to go with my...

  • 包含 stand 和 give 的动词短语

    20-11-08 动词短语(phrasal verbs)在日常英语会话中使用的频率非常高。掌握一定数量的动词短语不仅能使你的英语口语听起来更自然、地道,也能帮助你更准确地理解他人的话语。这类短语通常由 动词 + 副词/介词 构成。比如,动词 stand 和 give 都可以与不同的介词或副词搭配,...

  • 异地恋该如何维护感情

    20-09-01 Most of us dream of meeting that special someone. For lack of a better phrase, that Prince or Princess Charming who will sweep us off our feet. But to quote the old adage from Shakespeare, The course of true love never did run smooth. Sometimes our...

  • 上海合作成员国要加强政治互信

    18-05-23 Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi on Tuesday called on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries to enhance political mutual trust and jointly safeguard regional stability and development. 中国国务委员、...

  • 《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》精彩语句

    17-07-07 1. He defected yesterday. 他昨天叛逃了。 2. Were up against the clock here. 我们时间不多。 3. Given the gravity of the situation and your history with Saw, were hoping that he will help us locate your father. 考虑到情况的严重性以及你和索的渊源,我们...

  • 公众对政客的信任已跌到谷底

    16-12-09 Trust in politicians is approaching rock bottom with only 19% of the public thinking they were largely telling the truth during the EU referendum campaign, researchers have said. 研究人员称,公众对政客的信任已经跌到谷底。在欧盟公投期间,只有19%的公...

  • 影响第一印象的两个主要评判标准

    16-02-13 When you meet someone for the first time, do you put across a good impression? And what do we mean by 'good' in this context? 与人第一次见面时,你能给人留下一个好印象吗?在这里我们所谓的好又指的是什么呢? According to Presence, a new book by Harvard...