• 干旱季节树蛙如何收集水份

    11-10-03 Research published in the October issue of The American Naturalist shows that Australian green tree frogs survive the dry season with the help of the same phenomenon that fogs up eyeglasses in the winter. According to researchers from Charles Darwin...

  • 球蚜感染亦未能降低铁杉数量

    11-09-27 A recent analysis of two decades of USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data shows the live volume of hemlocks(铁杉) in the eastern United States still increasing despite spreading infestations of hemlock woolly adelgid(球蚜)...

  • 回郭沫若同志

    11-09-06 Reply to Comrade Guo Moruo On this tiny globe A few flies dash themselves against the wall, Humming without cease, Sometimes shrilling, Sometimes moaning. Ants on the locust tree assume a great-nation swagger And mayflies lightly plot to topple the...

  • 某种危害树木的病菌源自美国加州

    11-09-04 Genetic detective work by an international group of researchers may have solved a decades-long mystery of the source of a devastating tree-killing fungus(真菌) that has hit six of the world's seven continents. In a study published Sept. 1 in the p...

  • A Rose Tree

    11-07-07 A Rose Tree Fleur Adcock When we went to live at Top Lodge my mother gave me a rose tree. She didn't have to pay for it it was growing there already, tall and old, by the gravel(碎石) drive where we used to ride our scooters(踏板车) . No one els...

  • Reason

    11-04-26 Teacher: George Washington not only chopped down(砍下) his father's Cherry tree, but also admitted doing it. Now do you know why his father didn't punish him? Blonde: Because George still had the axe in his hand....

  • 倒拔垂杨柳

    11-04-18 After killing the local tyrant Zhen Guanxi, for fear of being jailed, Lu Zhishen fled to Mount Wutai where he stayed in a temple as a monk. After breaking the temple rules by drinking, he was sent by the abbot(大寺院男住持) to the Monastery of Gre...

  • Lemon

    11-03-02 Lemon Danielle Cadena Deulen They loved each other, but a lemon tree grew between themno solace(安慰,慰藉) in the way it leaned, as if to whisper from her yard into his, across the coyote(北美小狼) fence, a promise of something greater. The fru...

  • A boy and his apple tree

    11-02-12 Long ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy liked to come and play around it everyday. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadowhe loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him. Time went bythe little boy h...

  • 英国某男子欲与圣诞树结婚

    10-12-26 英国一名狂热爱圣诞节的男子最近打算跟一棵与他相伴两年的塑料圣诞树结婚,不过还没有找到愿意为他们主持仪式的牧师。 British man famous for celebrating Christmas every day is now planning to marry his Christmas tree, a report has said. Andy Park, 47 - who...