• 南非某养老院发生火灾 18人死亡

    10-08-03 A fire at a retirement home in South Africa has left 18 people dead. 南非一座养老院发生火灾,导致18人死亡。 Several more were injured in the blaze, which broke out at around 2100 (1900 GMT) on Sunday, 50km (30 miles) south-east of Johannesburg. The...

  • 对艾滋病及早进行治疗可以拯救生命和节省金钱

    10-07-20 HIV-related deaths could be reduced by 20% over the next five years if treatment begins earlier, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says in fresh guidance. 世界卫生组织发布的最新指导称,在未来五年内,如果进行较早治疗,与艾滋病病毒相关的死亡率将降低...

  • 动物实验促进抗抑郁药的研究

    10-06-01 University of Michigan scientists have provided the most detailed picture yet of a key receptor in the brain that influences the effectiveness of serotonin-related antidepressants(抗抑郁药) , such as Prozac(百忧解) . The findings, which appear o...

  • 精神病药物可用于治疗儿童自闭症

    10-05-03 Behavioral interventions(干预,干涉) typically are the first line of treatment to manage unwanted behaviors in children with autism(孤独症) spectrum disorders (ASDs). If behaviors do not improve, medications frequently are added to the mix. Rese...

  • 布鲁尼·萨科奇敦促对艾滋病采取行动

    09-12-01 The French first lady says it is unfair that women and children in the developing world often miss out on treatment for HIV. 法国第一夫人称,发展中国家的妇女和儿童经常失去治疗艾滋病的机会,这是不公平的。 Carla Bruni-Sarkozy wants to use her position...

  • 尼日利亚总统“患有心脏疾病”

    09-11-27 Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua has a heart condition, his spokesman has said, after he flew to Saudi Arabia on Monday for medical treatment. 尼日利亚总统Umaru Yar'Adua的发言人称,总统患有心脏疾病,星期一才刚飞往沙特接受治疗。 The president has ha...

  • 透析病人护理花费增加

    09-11-02 Improving survival among dialysis(透析) patients may increase treatment costs significantly, according to a paper being presented at the American Society of Nephrology's 42nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition in San Diego, CA. The authors c...

  • 研究:子宫肌瘤治疗需谨慎

    09-10-19 UK doctors say a treatment for heavy periods caused by fibroids can seriously harm a subsequent pregnancy. 英国医生称,治疗由子宫肌瘤引起的重度月经可能严重伤害随后的怀孕。 By the age of 40 as many as 40% of women will have fibroids but not all of th...

  • WHO warns against homeopathy use 世界卫生组织警告慎用顺势疗

    09-08-21 People with conditions such as HIV, TB and malaria should not rely on homeopathic treatments, the World Health Organization has warned. 世界卫生组织警告道,患有艾滋?⒎谓岷撕团奔驳娜瞬挥Ω靡揽克呈屏品ā?Homeopathic remedies often contain few or no...

  • Ocean coral 'offers pain therapy' 海洋珊瑚“提供疼痛新疗法”

    09-08-05 A compound harvested from soft coral off the coast of Taiwan could provide a new treatment for pain from intractable nerve damage, experts say. 专家称,台湾沿海附近的软珊瑚上提取的复合物可能会提供一个新的治疗方法来对付棘手的神经损伤带来的疼痛。 Keny...