• 视石为宝

    15-11-19 In ancient times, a man of the State of Song picked up a stone in Linzi. He examined it over and over and regarded it as a treasure. He quickly took it home, wrapped it up in dozens of silk layers, then put it in a leather box. But he still felt une...

  • Simeli Mountain

    13-07-30 There were once two brothers, the one rich, the other poor. The rich one, however, gave nothing to the poor one, and he gained a scanty(吝啬的) living by trading in corn, and often did so badly that he had no bread for his wife and children. Once...

  • 埃及举行“遗失财产”召回会议

    10-04-07 Global culture officials are to meet to discuss how to recover ancient treasures which they say have been stolen and displayed overseas. 全球文化官员将齐聚埃及首都开罗商讨如何追回被偷盗、在海外被展览的古文化财产。 The US recently returned a 3,000-ye...
