• be hard-earned 来之不易

    21-03-26 来之不易,汉语成语,意思是得到它不容易;表示财物的取得或事物的成功是不容易的。可以翻译为be hard-earned,not easily come by或not be easily achieved/obtained/got。 例句: 我们的胜利来之不易。 Victory did not come easily for us. 两国间的传统友谊来之不...

  • 党的光荣传统和优良作风

    21-03-12 2021年春季学期中央党校(国家行政学院)中青年干部培训班3月1日在中央党校开班。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在开班式上发表重要讲话强调,年轻干部必须立志做党的光荣传统和优良作风的忠实传人,在全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程中奋勇争先、建...

  • cherish,treasure,value

    20-11-02 cherish、 treasure 和 value 都可以用来表示 珍爱某人或事物,但它们的意思和用法却不完全相同。总的来说,动词 cherish 和 treasure 强调因为对某人或事物有感情,所以珍爱、爱护这个人或事物;而动词 value 则多用来表达在态度上重视某人或事物。 在表示 珍惜、爱惜...

  • 向他人表达爱意

    20-10-16 1 I adore you. 我非常喜欢你。 动词adore指十分爱慕、喜欢,它强调对一个人的崇敬和尊重之情。 2 I want a lifetime with you. 我想与你共度一生。 名词lifetime的意思是有生之年,一辈子。 3 I treasure you. 我珍惜你。 Treasure作名词时指财宝。这句话中的treasure...

  • 中国在某河床上发现古代沉没珍宝

    17-04-14 Chinese archeologists announced Thursday they have excavated more than 30,000 relics from a riverbed. They are believed to be treasures owned by the leader of an ancient uprising. 中国考古学家周四宣布,他们在一片河床上挖掘出了30000多件古物。据传这些...

  • 宋人献玉

    15-11-19 There was a man of the State of Song who liked to curry favour with others. One day, he got a piece of uncarved jade and went to present it to Zi Han, a minister of the State of Song, with the intention to ingratiate himself with the official. Zi Ha...

  • 秦士好古

    15-08-07 In the Qin Dynasty, there was a scholar addicted to antiques. He was so fond of collecting them that he would buy them nomatter how costly they were. One day, a man came to his door to peddle a worn-out straw mat. He said to the Qin scholar: In thos...

  • Story of the Blind Baba-Abdalla 1

    14-05-14 I was born, Commander of the Faithful, in Bagdad, and was left an orphan while I was yet a very young man, for my parents died within a few days of each other. I had inherited from them a small fortune, which I worked hard night and day to increase,...

  • A Miser Man

    13-12-05 A very stingy(吝啬的) man who had no pleasure but that of making money sold his all, namely, his place and fields, and forged all the money he received into a mass of gold, and buried it in the ground. Every day he visited the spot, which was one...

  • Pirate's Treasure 海盗的财富

    11-05-20 Ten steps from the porch(门廊) and twenty steps from the rose bushes, growled Bluebeard in Jimmy's dream one night. There be treasure there! Aawrgh. So the next day Jimmy began to dig. He dug until the hole was deep and the dirt pile was high. He...
