• 《机器人总动员》第22章

    22-12-14 Pacing back and forth outside the trash chute, WALL E suffered through several changes of mind on how to take EVEs hand: upside down, sideways, from the left, or from the right. WALL E became more and more impatient. At last, he looked around for a...

  • 《机器人总动员》第3章

    22-12-14 WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WALL Es charge-meter light flashed at a dangerously low level the next morning. Mmrrr, WALL E groaned. It was hard to wake up! Still groggy, he made his way outside and crawled up a ramp of trash to the top of his truck. O...

  • 瑞典马尔默的垃圾桶用性感女声吸引人扔垃圾

    22-06-20 为了让本地的垃圾桶吃进更多垃圾,保持道路清洁,瑞典马尔默市让垃圾桶发出性感女声,吸引行人把垃圾投放进垃圾桶。 The Swedish city of Malm is taking dirty talk to a whole new level in its latest effort to clean up the streets. 为了清洁街道,瑞典马尔默市...

  • garbage, rubbish, trash, waste

    21-09-01 扔垃圾用英语该怎么说呢?throw the rubbish? 可别一不小心就犯了中式英语的错。 throw the rubbish并不是扔垃圾的正确表达,throw是抛、投的意思,throw the rubbish的正确含义是抛垃圾,这抛不准就太尴尬了。 外国人说扔垃圾,一般会委婉地说成take out the trash或...