• 洛杉矶在公共交通和机场内重启“口罩令”

    22-05-05 美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶郡连续两天新冠肺炎确诊病例单日新增超过2000例,在此形势下,洛杉矶县公共卫生局发布一项针对疫情的最新公共卫生规定,自4月22日起在公共交通和机场内重启口罩令。 Los Angeles County is once again requiring travelers to mask up when aboa...

  • 成都申请144小时免签证入境

    18-07-24 The city of Chengdu in southwest China is preparing to offer 144-hour visa-free transit to the holders of certain foreign passports. 成都市正准备向某些外国护照持有人提供144小时的免签证入境。 The municipal government has submitted a request to Chinas...

  • Transit Elevated Bus 快速高架公交

    16-05-31 Called a Transit Elevated Bus , it looks like a giant double-decker but is hollow on the ground floor. Passengers can sit on the top floor while cars move below. 这种公交车叫做快速高架公交,外形像一辆巨型的双层公交车,但是这款公交的底层是镂空的,乘...
