• Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 24

    21-02-24 Jessup swallowed hard. But--but-- he faltered, there aint never been any found around here. The nearest fields are hundreds of miles away, aint they? Stratton dropped the lump of sand. A number of particles still clung to his palm, and over the skin...

  • 印尼贫民流行“卧轨电疗”

    11-08-07 在印度尼西亚,新近流行的卧轨电疗似乎为身患疾病而负担不起医药费的贫苦民众带来了一线希望。据悉,卧轨电疗其实就是横躺在两条铁轨上,等待列车接近时发出的电流穿过身体,以此达到治病的目的,然后在列车靠近前迅速离开铁轨。 Villagers lie on a railway track for...
