• 小时候玩的游戏 下

    21-06-01 滚铁环 Hoop rolling 80后不陌生的游戏绝对少不了滚铁环,滚得越久越厉害。 Hoop rolling is both a sport and a childs game in which a large hoop is rolled along the ground, generally by means of an object wielded by the player. The aim of the game is to...

  • 菲律宾男子收藏约2万个快餐店玩具

    21-04-30 菲律宾一名50岁男子应该算是世界上最童心未泯的人,他从5岁就开始收集快餐店玩具,至今已拥有2万个,并在2014年打破了吉尼斯纪录。 From the age of 5, Filipino graphic artist Percival Lugue has had a passion for collecting toys from fast-food restaurant chai...

  • 玩具带来的快乐

    21-01-03 Im sure we all have childhood memories what we did at school, the food we ate, the games we played. But perhaps the most vivid recollections are those of the toys we played with. There were many gadgets that may seem unsophisticated now but were the...

  • Mind your manners 注意你的行为举止

    20-09-02 成年人通常用表达 mind your manners 告诉孩子们不要做出粗鲁无礼的行为。Mind your manners 也可以用来羞辱成年人,从而提醒这个人要举止端正,注意礼貌。 复数名词 manners 在这里的意思是 礼貌,礼仪。 例句 Dont be so rude! You should mind your manners. 别那么...

  • 指尖陀螺可能有安全隐患

    17-06-25 Fidget spinners may be fun, but that doesnt mean theyre always safe. 指尖陀螺可能好玩,但这不意味着它一直是安全的。 The consumer watchdog group, World Against Toys Causing Harm, named fidget spinners among this years summer toy hazards. They say spi...

  • 埃博拉病毒毛绒玩具在美国热销

    14-10-24 It may be the only time you will find these words in the same sentence: Ebola and Add to Wishlist. 这可能是你头一次看到这两个东西出现在同一个句子中:埃博拉和加入意愿清单。 Giantmicrobes Inc., which makes a line of plush toys based on viruses and oth...

  • 英国玛莎百货将为玩具换上中性包装

    13-12-27 Marks Spencer has agreed to make the packaging of all of its toys gender neutral by spring 2014, after customers complained that it was marketing items according to stereotypes. 玛莎百货同意在2014年春季之前为所有的玩具换上性别中立的包装。此前顾客抱...

  • 英国经济衰退致使性玩具销量大增

    12-05-14 The recession has led to a boost in the sales of sex toys as more and more couples opt for indoor fun with three-quarters of women in Britain now owning one. 经济衰退让越来越多的夫妇选择室内娱乐活动,致使性玩具的销量大增,如今英国四分之三的女性都拥...

  • 购买噪音大的玩具需谨慎

    11-12-18 While Road Rippers Lightning Rods, Let's Rock Elmo and the I Am T-Pain musical microphone might be sought-after gifts this holiday season, parents should ensure that their children don't risk permanent hearing damage by misusing them. Researchers fr...

  • 情人节特别促销:枪支换情趣用品

    11-02-19 A shop in the US state of Alabama on Tuesday launched a Valentine's Day offer it hopes will trigger a large response in a limp economy: customers can swap their guns for sex toys. 美国阿拉巴马州的一家商店周二推出了一个情人节特别活动:顾客可以用枪来...