• The Wine

    15-02-25 The Wine Michael Metivier When the townspeople gave the teenaged Buddha a glass of wine so delicious he grew to an unthinkable size and froze into a blue statue that shielded the town from a wave that broke upon his back and would have swept away th...

  • A Foolish Chicken

    15-01-05 Christmas was coming. Mr Smith had no money to buy any presents for his children. His wife was ill and he spent a lot of money on her medicine. And the harvest was bad and all his family were going go be hungry the next spring. He was quite worried...

  • 尼日利亚博科圣地组织占领重镇巴马

    14-09-03 Nigeria's militant Islamist group Boko Haram has seized the key north-eastern town of Bama after fierce fighting with government forces, residents say. 尼日利亚激进伊斯兰组织博科圣地在与政府武装进行激烈的战斗之后占领了东北部重镇巴马。 Thousands of c...

  • The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman 8

    14-05-22 At night the whole town was filled with rejoicings, and with much pomp the Princess Haiatelnefous (this was the name of the king's daughter) was conducted to the palace of the Princess Badoura. Now Badoura had thought much of the difficulties of her...

  • 与horse有关的一些短语

    14-01-14 1. horse sense 基本常识 She's got too much horse sense to believe his story. 丰富的常识使她不相信他的说辞。 2. Wild horses couldn't drag him away 全心投入 Once Elaine starts playing a video game, wild horses can't drag her away from it. 一旦伊莲开始...

  • 新郎婚前失踪 宾客挺身而出娶新郎

    13-11-22 本周三,23岁的Ponradha本来打算在泰米尔纳德邦嫁给35岁的Sithiraivelu。而当本周二婚礼已经准备就绪的时候,新娘的家人却获知新郎在与家人吵架后突然失踪。幸好当时一名30岁男子挺身而出自愿代替新郎娶妻。 A 30-year-old man who came to witness a wedding ended up...

  • 美国小镇竞选镇长投硬币分胜负

    13-11-22 据美国媒体11月20日报道,爱达荷州小镇阿尔比恩近日的镇长竞选不分胜负,最终通过投掷硬币决定谁当下任镇长。 KMVT CBS 11 reports that the town of Albion, Idaho recently decided who would be mayor for the next term with...a coin toss. This past Election Da...

  • Elegy

    13-10-29 Elegy Vijay Seshadri I've been asked to instruct you about the town you've gone to, where I've never been. The cathedral is worth looking at, but the streets are narrow, uneven(不平坦的) , and a little grim. The river is sluggish(萧条的) in the...

  • When the Clock Got Sick

    13-03-06 Once upon a time, in a land not too far from where you live, there was a bank whose outside clock was the talk of the town(热门话题) . Clocks usually don't cause people to talk about them, unless they're not working right. This clock wasn't workin...

  • 保加利亚发现最古老史前城镇

    12-11-01 Archaeologists in Bulgaria say they have uncovered the oldest prehistoric town found to date in Europe. 保加利亚的考古学家称,他们发现了欧洲迄今为止最古老的史前城镇。 The prehistoric town at Provadia features two-storey houses and a defensive wall T...