• 《海底总动员-2》第12章

    22-12-26 Dory and Hank pulled up near the sea otter area, where a perky tour guide was talking to a group of excited tourists. Looking for the worlds most powerful pair of glasses, Dory said as she glanced around. She gasped when she saw the otters swimming...

  • 西班牙港口城市将禁止游客在海洋中小便

    22-11-28 新规定出台后,在西班牙港口城市维戈海滨游泳的人若在海里小便,则可能被处以数百英镑的罚款。 Its unclear how exactly this rule banning unwanted drops in the ocean will be enforced. But the new decree states that anyone caught in the act of physiological...

  • 冰岛一座火山喷发 游客前来观赏

    22-11-25 This volcano in Iceland has erupted spewing red-hot lava and plumes into the air. 冰岛这座火山喷发,向空中涌射出赤热的熔岩和烟雾。 Its located less than 1km away from Mount Fagradalsfjall, the volcano that erupted for six months last year. 喷发地距...

  • “逆向旅游”逐渐在年轻人中兴起

    22-11-14 为了躲避汹涌的人潮,逆向旅游逐渐在年轻人中兴起,一些非著名旅游小城,走入人们的视野。出于对假期里知名景点人挤人的厌倦,不少年轻人开始尝试另一种选择,更注重在旅游中的体验。 Going against the tide of flocking to well-known yet generally jam-packed tour...

  • 中秋节假期全国国内旅游近7341万人次

    22-09-19 经文化和旅游部数据中心测算,中秋节假期全国国内旅游出游近7341万人次。假日期间,各地文化和旅游系统发挥自身优势,丰富市场供给,满足群众多层次、多样化消费需求。 China saw 73.41 million domestic tourist visits during the three-day Mid-Autumn Festival hol...

  • 埃菲尔铁塔顶部安装天线 高度增至330米

    22-03-22 巴黎铁娘子埃菲尔铁塔即将年满133岁,但仍在长个儿。3月15日,法国一架直升机将长达六米的数字音频广播天线安装在埃菲尔铁塔顶部,使得铁塔高度从324米增至330米。 The Eiffel Tower grew by six meters (nearly 20 feet) on Tuesday after engineers hoisted a new co...

  • 旅行和旅游业词汇

    21-10-02 九月中旬马上就要过去,夏日转瞬即逝。不过,别忘了每年9月27日的世界旅游日 World Tourism Day!你还对假期恋恋不舍吗?那就来通过做六道与旅行和旅游业有关的小题来回顾你的精彩夏日吧。 1. Dont go to that market, its a tourist ______. You can buy better thing...

  • off the beaten track 人迹罕至的,偏远的

    21-06-09 表达 off the beaten track 用来描述 一个游客不常光顾的地方,意思是 人迹罕至的,偏远的。其中,the beaten track 的意思是 游客们正常的旅游目的地和路线。 例句 He decided to go into the jungle and went off the beaten track. He prefers to be alone. 他决定...

  • 文创雪糕五一火出圈

    21-05-08 刚刚过去的五一假期,不只是各地的景点火爆异常,一些景区的文创雪糕也火出了圈。 The Sanxingdui Museum in Guanghan, southwest Chinas Sichuan province, has rolled out ice cream bars in the shape of Sanxingdui bronze masks unearthed at the sacrificial pit...

  • 多义词set的十个用法

    21-04-01 单词 set 的词义有很多,它既可以作名词和形容词,也可以作动词。所以,想在短时间内掌握 set 的全部用法,并不容易。在这期节目中,我们将按照名词、形容词和动词的先后顺序为大家介绍 set 的十个最常见的用法。 先来看单词 set 作名词时的三个主要用法。第一:名词 s...