• touch wood 但愿走好运

    21-08-17 英国人有时也迷信,比如 touch wood 就是但愿走好运的意思。 例句 Ive done all of the preparation for the exam, so nothing can go wrong now touch wood! Ive never broken any bones, touch wood! The train is currently on time so we shouldnt miss our flight...

  • Tap、click、press、touch区别是什么

    21-07-08 tap、click、press 和 touch 的意思有什么不同,在用法上有什么分别。平时,大家在使用电脑、平板电脑或者各类带有触屏的电子设备的时候,可能遇到过这类的单词,估计这位网友是想了解这四个词所描述的分别是哪种操作电子设备的动作。那么,下面,我们就来集中介绍 tap...

  • to touch base 聊天,交谈

    21-07-02 这个源于棒球运动的表达的意思是与某人交谈,把一件事的情况告诉相关的人。在日常对话中,人们用这个说法来表示和某人聊一聊,简短的谈话,了解他们的近况或他们对于某事的想法。To touch base 后面通常跟介词with,表示与联系。 例句 I havent touched base with Vict...

  • to lose one's touch 失去做某事的能力

    21-06-28 表达to lose ones touch 失去触觉这个英语说法的实际含义是做事情的技能与过去相比下降了,做某事的能力大不如前。在这里,单词touch并不是触摸,触碰的意思,而是指做某件事的特长或能力。 要注意,如果把这个表达中的物主代词去掉,变成搭配lose touch,那么意思则会...

  • to have the Midas touch 拥有“点石成金”的赚钱本领

    21-06-22 这个英语表达来自希腊神话中的一则典故。在这个故事中,人物迈达斯(Midas)拥有点石成金的能力。在现代英语中,人们用the Midas touch 迈达斯的触摸来形容某人能把任何事物都转换成金钱的本领,当我们说一个人has the Midas touch的时候,意思是说这个人拥有做任何事...

  • to touch a raw nerve 触及痛处

    21-06-16 当我们在看牙医时,如果医生碰到了暴露在外的神经 a raw nerve,那么我们会感到剧烈的疼痛。而表达 to touch a (raw) nerve 的意思则是 因谈到了敏感的话题而让人感到难过,也就是我们平常说的 触及到了某人的痛处。 例句 I could tell Id touched a nerve when I aske...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 31

    21-03-17 Emma continued to entertain no doubt of her being in love. Her ideas only varied as to the how much. At first, she thought it was a good deal; and afterwards, but little. She had great pleasure in hearing Frank Churchill talked of; and, for his sake...

  • easy to get along with 平易近人

    21-01-11 平易近人,汉语成语,意思是对人和蔼可亲,使人容易接近。比喻态度温和,没有架子。可以翻译为easy to get along with,amiable,approachable。have the common touch也可以表示没有架子、平易近人,the common touch是指the ability of an important or rich person...

  • 密歇根州立大学研究出纳米发电器

    16-12-26 Michigan researchers have revealed a major breakthrough in harvesting energy from human motion. 密歇根的研究人员取得了一项重大突破, 可从人体动作中收集能量。 They say it could lead to smartphones powered for a week by the motion of a swipe being harv...

  • maintenance texts 维护短信

    16-06-03 Maintenance texts are text messages sent to those people youd like to date someday or eventually to remind them that you exist and to stay in touch with them without really meeting them. Its a low effort way to maintain a connection without having t...