• 加拿大男子淡定面对龙卷风 自顾自推车除草

    17-06-10 A picture of a man in Canada calmly mowing his lawn with a menacing tornado swirling in the background has gone viral on social media. 身后龙卷风疯狂肆虐,但加拿大一名男子仍在镇定自若地修剪自家草坪的照片近日在网络上走红。 Theunis Wessels was fully a...

  • 美国南部遭强风暴袭击

    14-10-14 A powerful storm has swept across the southern US, killing at least two people and injuring several others. 一场强暴风席卷美国南部,造成至少两人死亡、多人受伤。 Monroe in Louisiana was hit hard Tornadoes, high winds, lightning, hail and heavy rain l...

  • 龙卷风做婚纱照背景 疯狂浪漫

    14-07-11 加拿大一对新婚夫妇在拍摄婚纱照时,忽然身后出现了龙卷风,摄影师将这一幕拍了下来,让这对新人体验了一把终生难忘的疯狂浪漫。 A Canadian couple were posing for photographs on their wedding day Saturday when a tornado formed behind them, creating a set of...

  • 强风暴袭击美国中南部 12人死亡

    14-04-28 At least 12 people have been killed by tornadoes as a huge storm system swept across the central and southern United States. 一场强大的暴风系统横扫美国中南部地区,引发的龙卷风造成至少12人死亡。 The immediate aftermath of the tornado in Mayflower, ne...

  • 太平洋海水温度影响美国龙卷风活动

    13-10-18 Meteorologists often use information about warm and cold fronts to determine whether a tornado will occur in a particular area. Now, a University of Missouri researcher has found that the temperature of the Pacific Ocean could help scientists predic...

  • 奥巴马慰问龙卷风灾民

    13-05-27 US President Barack Obama has visited the tornado-ravaged town of Moore in Oklahoma and has told its victims that they are not alone. 美国总统奥巴马抵达被龙卷风肆虐的俄克拉荷马州摩尔城,并告诉灾民他们不是一个人。 Surveying the devastation, Mr Obama...

  • 俄克拉荷马州龙卷风救援工作接近尾声

    13-05-22 Rescue workers are combing the ruins left by the gigantic tornado that killed two dozen people in Oklahoma on Monday. 本周一,美国俄克拉荷马州的救援人员正在巨大龙卷风造成的废墟中搜寻幸存者。 The huge tornado ripped through a suburb of Oklahoma City,...

  • 俄克拉荷马州龙卷风死亡人数近百

    13-05-21 At least 91 people, including 20 children, are feared killed by a huge tornado which tore through Oklahoma City suburbs, officials in the US state say. 美国俄克拉荷马城郊区遭一场强龙卷风袭击,恐怕至少91人死亡,其中包括20名儿童。 Worst hit was Moore,...

  • 美国俄克拉荷马州遭龙卷风袭击

    13-05-20 At least one person is reported dead and several others injured in a series of tornadoes that have torn through the US state of Oklahoma. 美国俄克拉荷马州遭遇一连串的龙卷风袭击,至少1人死亡、多人受伤。 The worst damage was caused by a tornado near t...

  • 龙卷风中可能含有地震讯息

    12-03-12 An Indiana University geophysical experiment detected unusual seismic(地震的) signals associated with tornadoes that recently struck regions across the Midwest -- information that may have value for meteorologists studying the atmospheric activity...