• 美国科学家开发新算法 可提前一周预测犯罪

    22-07-08 人工智能和机器学习的进步受到各国政府关注,一些国家希望利用这些工具进行预测性用警,以遏制犯罪。近日,芝加哥大学的科学家开发了一种新算法,可以提前一周预测犯罪,准确率约为 90%。 Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning have sparked inte...

  • 工欲善其事,必先利其器

    20-10-10 工欲善其事,必先利其器,出自《论语》,意思是工匠想要很好地完成工作,必须先把工具弄得锋利好用。比喻要做好一件事,准备工作是很重要的(In order to do something well, one needs to make preparations)。可以翻译为a workman must first sharpen his tools if...

  • 中国多所大学遭勒索软件攻击

    17-05-13 Dozens of universities across China have become victims of a massive global ransomware outbreak that have struck nearly 100 countries. 中国各地有几十所大学成为勒索软件的受害者,全球已有近100个国家遭受该软件影响。 The massive cyber-attack use tools t...

  • 智能语法纠错软件获1.1亿美元风投

    17-05-13 Theres money to be made from other peoples mistakes: $110m (85m) of it, to be precise. 从别人犯下的错误中也可以赚到钱。准确地说,是可以赚到大钱1.1亿美元(约合7.59亿元人民币)。 Thats the amount raised in a funding round by Grammarly, a firm that boa...

  • 四川发现5000年历史的新石器时代遗迹

    17-04-27 Archaeologists announced Wednesday Neolithic ruins dating back 4,500 to 5,000 years had been found in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province. 中国考古学家周三宣布,在四川省发现的新石器时代遗迹的历史可以追溯到4500到5000年前。 The ruins was found on Ling M...

  • 成像技术的发展可能有利于疾病检测

    16-03-10 Scientists have devised a technique for visualising tissues that could aid diagnosis and treatment of diseases including cancer. The new approach is more sensitive than existing tools and could help researchers detect illnesses at a much earlier sta...

  • 食物加工的重要性

    16-03-10 How much time and effort do you spend chewing? Although you probably enjoy a few leisurely meals every day, chances are that you spend very little time and muscular effort chewing your food. That kind of easy eating is very unusual. For perspective,...

  • 牙科诊所常用词

    16-02-04 x-ray machine x光机 Sink 水槽 overhead light 顶灯 towel 毛巾 Paper cup 纸杯 section hose 节管 Dental chair 牙科手术椅 Mirror 镜子 Tools 工具 Tray 托盘 Drill 钻子 Toothbrush 牙刷 Dentures 假牙 Mold 模子 Teeth 牙齿 Dental floss 牙线...