• 北海发现约有200座古墓的大型古墓葬群

    22-01-11 北海市博物馆近日发布最新考古成果称,考古工作者在该市发现约有200座古墓的大型古墓葬群。 Archaeologists recently discovered a large-scale cluster of ancient tombs dating back to the Six Dynasties period to the Sui and Tang Dynasties (222-907) in south...

  • 西安江村一处大型陵墓确认为汉文帝霸陵

    21-12-17 12月14日,国家文物局召开考古中国重大项目重要进展工作会,通报陕西西安江村大墓等3项重要考古成果。 A large-scale mausoleum in Xian, capital of northwest Chinas Shaanxi province, has been identified as belonging to Emperor Wendi of the Western Han Dynas...

  • 河南发现160座古墓

    19-05-15 Archaeologists in central Chinas Henan Province have discovered 160 ancient tombs. 河南考古学家发现160座古代坟墓。 The tombs are believed to have been built during the Han Dynasty (202 B.C.-220 A.D.). More than 1,000 cultural relics were unearthed f...

  • 电影《盗墓笔记》本周五上映

    16-08-03 The film Time Raiders, which tells the story of explorers searching for the secrets of immortality in ancient tombs, is scheduled to hit theatres this coming Friday. 电影《盗墓笔记》将于本周五上映,该剧讲述了探险家在古墓中探寻永生之谜的故事。 Fresh-...

  • 廷巴克图清真寺里两座坟墓被毁

    12-07-11 Islamist fighters in Timbuktu have destroyed two tombs at the northern Malian city's famous Djingareyber mosque, residents have said. 廷巴克图居民称,伊斯兰教武装分子毁坏了这座马里北部城市著名的Djingareyber清真寺里两座坟墓。 The centuries-old Djinga...

  • 塞浦路斯三座主教坟墓被破坏

    10-03-22 Cyprus police have arrested a Romanian man suspected of vandalising the tombs of three archbishops in a cemetery in the capital city of Nicosia. 塞浦路斯警方逮捕了一名罗马男子,该男子涉嫌毁坏首都尼科西亚一座墓地里三位大主教的坟墓。 The desecration w...
