• unisex toilet 男女通用厕所

    21-07-07 厕所一般只分为男厕和女厕,用male和female进行区分。稍微讲究一点的地方,男厕叫mens room,女厕叫womens room。有些地方可能还会用gentlemen和lady的字样。 但unisex toilet是什么鬼? unisex这个词会不会让你脑洞大开,认为这间厕所是给双性人用的? 下面我们就重点...

  • 英国公共厕所数量有所下降

    21-02-08 每个国家都会在车站、机场等公共场所设置厕所,以方便人们使用。然而,据最近公布的数据表明,在英国,去公共厕所 方便 这件事正变得越来越难,这是因为英国政府已经停止维护多处公厕。 When youve got to go, youve got to go. At least thats the old saying! It ref...

  • 关于食品安全的10个知识 下

    21-01-29 6. The best way to know if the milk is still good is to smell it 鉴别牛奶是否变质的最好方式就是闻一闻 Experts say that if you keep your fridge closer to 34℉, instead of the standard 40℉, you can get an extra week out of your milk. Of course, the l...

  • 厕所里没纸了

    21-01-26 记住这个短语:run out(用完、耗尽) 1 以人为主语时,可以这样说: We have run out of toilet paper. *如果想表达厕纸快用完了可以用进行时: Were running out of toilet paper. 或者干脆不用run,就没有时态区别了,直接说: Were out of toilet paper. 2 以物为...

  • 奥地利近日推出世界第一款卫生纸邮票

    20-10-31 If 2020 could take the form of an object, it would surely be toilet paper. 如果用一个实物来代表2020年,那一定是厕纸。 Not only has this year been crappy, but reports of people hoarding toilet paper in large quantities during the coronavirus pandemic...

  • 江西上线智能公厕

    19-06-05 Wi-Fi, face recognition and dynamic switching between male and female toilets. A number of smart toilets with these intelligent facilities are in service in east Chinas Jiangxi Province. 江西省上线带有Wi-Fi、人脸识别和男女动态转换的智能公厕。 In Nan...

  • 中国为游客研发在线公厕地图

    19-03-22 China is developing an online toilet map, aiming to help traveling tourists from home and abroad find the nearest toilets, tourism authorities said. 中国正在研发一套在线公厕地图,旨在帮助国内外游客找到最近的厕所。 The online toilet map was being dev...

  • 柏林将建造男女通用的中性厕所

    17-08-21 The BBC gave viewers an unexpected eyeful during the live broadcast of its nightly news show when someone in the newsroom appeared to be watching a steamy film behind an oblivious presenter. 英国广播公司在直播晚间新闻节目时让观众看到了意外的一幕,当...

  • Salts

    17-05-17 Bloke is drinking at a pub and after a few rounds goes to leave, explaining to the barman he has to go home to use toilet. Dont be stupid, says the barman, Weve got a perfectly good toilet here! Yes, explains the drinker, but I take salts. So what?...

  • 厕纸卷悬挂方式的争论可以停止了

    16-02-12 In any given household, wars between spouses, families and roommates are waged on a variety of different fronts. Who does the dishes tonight? Who will take out the trash? How could Steve have left the toilet seat up...again? And seriously, who finis...