• tie the knot 结婚

    21-07-22 成语 to tie the knot 意思是结婚、喜结良缘。这是一个既通俗又地道的英语表达。 例句 I never thought Peter would tie the knot so young. He only left university a year ago. The film star and the lawyer tied the knot in private in Venice. 请注意 短语 tie...

  • A Tough Teacher 强悍的教师

    15-03-19 A school teacher friend of mine in juried his back and had to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body. On his first day of the term, still with the cast under his shirt, he was assigned to teach the most undisciplined class. Stepping c...

  • 领带颜色所传递的信息

    14-09-12 Colours give off very specific signals, said David Zyla, New York-based author of Color Your Style. The same suit can be transformed with different tie colours, each with a very different impact and message. 写了《用颜色秀出你的风格》的纽约作家大卫...

  • Tie and water

    13-12-12 Professor Tom was going to meet his students on the next day, so he wrote some words on the blackboard which read as follows: Professor Tom will meet the class tomorrow. A student, seeing his chance to display his sense of humor after reading the no...

  • 浅蓝衬衫深蓝领带有助塑造职业形象

    13-11-22 一项新研究揭示,穿浅蓝衬衫、打深蓝领带上班有助于塑造良好的职业形象,从而提高你的升职几率。仅次于深蓝色领带的是红色和紫色的领带。 Men wanting a promotion should come to work wearing a light blue shirt and dark blue tie, a new study reveals. New resea...

  • 减少空调用电 男士可解下领带

    11-12-24 为推广节能,智利近日推出新举措,呼吁男士解下领带,以减少空调用电。 It's the Chilean government's latest slogan: Welcome to Chile, take off your tie. But it's not an invitation to sit down and relax it's a call to save energy. As the summer kicks off...

  • 日本公司发明防疲劳“睡眠领带”

    11-07-17 日本一家公司近日研制出一种防疲劳的睡眠领带,领带乍看上去和普通的领带没什么不同,但是对着领带背面的充气口吹气,领带就会变身枕头,让白领可以在办公桌旁轻松打盹,以缓解疲劳。 An advert with helpful instructions for the tie. Japan's overworked businessme...
