• have second thoughts 转念一想,再一想

    21-09-10 如果你对某件事情 have second thoughts,就表示你 不确定之前的想法是否正确,或经过重新考虑而改变主意。注意,它和 on second thoughts 的意思有点不一样,后者一般用来表示你想更改刚刚做出的决定,并引出新的想法,意思是 转念一想,再一想。 例句 I was going to...

  • a penny for your thoughts 你在想什么?

    21-07-12 A penny for your thoughts是Ill give you a penny for your thoughts 我可以给你一便士买你的想法的缩写。这是一个常用的英语表达,实际含义是你在想什么呢?如果你看到某人在一旁安静地沉思,就可以用这句话来向这个人打招呼,问对方在想什么,询问他们的想法。 例句...

  • 借助实时大脑反馈 人们可更好地控制思想

    11-04-09 As humans face increasing distractions(分心,干扰) in their personal and professional lives, University of British Columbia researchers have discovered that people can gain greater control over their thoughts with real-time brain feedback. The stu...
