• 几种常用的数字相关口语-分数

    22-06-09 分数是由基数词和序数词一起来表示的。基数词作分子,序数词作分母,除了分子是1以外,其它情况下序数词都要用复数形式。 1/2 读作a half 1/3 读作one third或a third 1/4 读作one quarter或a quarter 3/4 读作three fourths或 three quarters 1 1/2 读作one and a hal...

  • the third degree 严厉盘问

    21-05-13 表达 to give someone the third degree 的意思是 为了获取信息而严刑逼问某人。它的原义是警察对罪犯、嫌疑人进行拷问,但在日常生活中,to give someone the third degree 也可以指 严厉地盘问某人。 例句 Our teacher gave us the third degree for being late to c...

  • third wheel 电灯泡

    21-01-09 俗话说,三人行,必有一个电灯泡。你有过当电灯泡的经历吗?电灯泡,本意指白炽灯(bulb),现在也常比喻男女谈恋爱时碍手碍脚又不知趣的第三人,与英文流行语third wheel意思相近,表示an unwelcome or extra person,就像多余的轮胎一样。 例句: 当凯利邀请我去看电...

  • third wheel “电灯泡”

    12-03-30 A third wheel is a person or thing that serves no useful purpose, or an unwanted third party accompanying two people on a date. Such a person is as useful as a third wheel on a bicycle. Third wheel指不发挥任何作用的人和事物,或是在两人约会时陪伴在旁...

  • 商务休闲装 third wardrobe

    09-10-05 公司白领们平时上班大都是衬衫、领带加西裤,女士虽然花样多一些,不过多数也都得穿正式的套装。从西方引进的casual Friday(休闲星期五)的理念在中国也通行了好些年了,而由此兴起的third wardrobe(商务休闲装)也逐渐成为时尚界的一个热门领域。 A third wardrobe...
