• 美国国安局每天截取2亿条短信

    14-01-26 Federal officials at the National Security Agency (NSA) collected almost 200 million text messages a day, according to a report based on material provided by former agency contractor Edward Snowden. 爱德华斯诺登提供的文件显示,美国国家安全局每天截取...

  • 二成英国人曾错发色情短信

    10-07-17 Twenty percent of Britons have managed to send racy texts to the wrong person, and nearly one in 10 has been caught red-handed sexting, according to a poll on Tuesday. 本周二公布的一项民调显示,20%的英国人曾将色情短信发给错误的联系人,近十分之一的人...
