• 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 38

    21-01-19 第四编 涉外民事诉讼程序的特别规定 第二十四章 一般原则 PART FOUR SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CIVIL PROCEDURE OF CASES INVO-LVIN G FOREIGN ELEMENT Chapter XXIV General Principles 第二百三十七条 在中华人民共和国领域内进行涉外民事诉讼,适用本编规定。 Article...

  • 中国将优化国土空间规划

    19-05-28 China will optimize its national territory spatial planning to promote sustainable development, a senior official with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) said Monday. 自然资源部一位高级官员周一表示,中国将优化国土空间规划以促进可持续发展。 A un...

  • desertification 荒漠化

    16-03-07 China has experienced less serious desertification over the past decade with data revealing that desertified areas have been shrinking, the forestry authority said on Tuesday. 国家林业局29日表示,数据显示,过去十年中,我国荒漠化土地面积持续减少,土...

  • 法律英语:International law 国际法

    14-12-26 Being sovereign and equal to others, a state has certain rights and corresponding duties. 作为独立、平等的主权国家,既享有某些权利,也承担相应的义务。 Both sides claimed the other side broke the peace agreement. 双方都声称对方破坏了和平协议。 Every...

  • 黑猩猩群落彼此为领地进行厮杀

    10-06-22 Bands of chimpanzees(黑猩猩) violently kill individuals from neighboring groups in order to expand their own territory, according to a 10-year study of a chimp community in Uganda that provides the first definitive evidence for this long-suspected...

  • 乔·拜登指责以色列的东耶路撒冷房屋建设计划

    10-03-10 US Vice-President Joe Biden has condemned Israel's approval of 1,600 new homes for ultra-Orthodox Jews in East Jerusalem. 美国副总统乔拜登指责以色列批准在东耶路撒冷地区为超正统犹太教徒建造1600座新房屋的计划。 Nearly 500,000 Jews live in more than 10...
