• 美将建造价值87亿美元太空望远镜

    11-08-25 Nasa says it will now cost $8.7bn to launch the James Webb Space Telescope in 2018. 美国宇航局称将在2018年发射价值87亿美元的詹姆斯韦伯号太空望远镜。 The telescope and its instruments will be shaded by a structure the size of a tennis court The asses...

  • 哈勃望远镜已执行百万次观测任务

    11-07-06 NASA's Hubble Space Telescope crossed another milestone in its space odyssey(冒险旅程) of exploration and discovery. On Monday, July 4, the Earth-orbiting observatory logged its one millionth science observation during a search for water in an exo...

  • 詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜完成首轮低温测试

    11-06-19 The first six of 18 segments that will form NASA's James Webb Space Telescope's primary mirror for space observations completed final cryogenic(冷冻的) testing this week. The ten week test series included two tests cycles where the mirrors were ch...

  • 土星北半球爆发春季风暴

    11-05-20 NASA's Cassini spacecraft and a European Southern Observatory ground-based telescope tracked the growth of a giant early-spring storm in Saturn's northern hemisphere that is so powerful it stretches around the entire planet. The rare storm has been...

  • 哈勃望远镜发现迄今最遥远的星系

    11-01-27 Astronomers studying ultra-deep imaging data from the Hubble Space Telescope have found what may be the most distant galaxy ever seen, about 13.2 billion light-years away. The study pushed the limits of Hubble's capabilities, extending its reach bac...

  • 望远镜校准可帮助揭开宇宙的膨胀的奥秘

    11-01-07 Is the expansion of the universe accelerating for some unknown reason? This is one of the mysteries plaguing(折磨,使苦恼) astrophysics, and somewhere in distant galaxies are yet-unseen supernovae that may hold the key. Now, thanks to a telescope...

  • 天文学家利用月亮探测中微子

    10-12-01 Seeking to detect mysterious, ultra-high-energy neutrinos(中微子) from distant regions of space, a team of astronomers used the Moon as part of an innovative telescope system for the search. Their work gave new insight on the possible origin of th...

  • 科学家发现对地球有潜在危险的小行星

    10-09-28 The Panoramic(全景的) Survey Telescope Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) PS1 telescope has discovered an asteroid(小行星) that will come within 4 million miles of Earth in mid-October. The object is about 150 feet in diameter and was discovered...

  • 广义相对论与宇宙扩张之间存在联系

    10-03-28 University of British Columbia astronomer Ludovic Van Waerbeke with an international team has confirmed that the expansion of the universe is accelerating after looking at data from the largest-ever survey conducted by the Hubble Space Telescope. Th...

  • Superb vistas from reborn Hubble 哈勃望远镜修复后首次使用,

    09-09-10 Astronomers are celebrating the release of remarkable new images from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). 宇航员庆祝哈勃太空望远镜拍摄到的非凡的新图片。 Hubble is expected to keep working until at least 2014 They prove the mission carried out by astro...