15-04-24 Threenager is a three-year-old who displays the moodiness and attitude of a teenager. 三岁小大人指的是有着十几岁青少年般情绪和态度的三岁小孩儿。 With the summer sales in full swing it makes sense to stock up on clothes for next year, but bear in min...
14-03-27 Thresholder refers to a young person on the threshold of adulthood, especially one who is anxious or depressed about leaving home or taking on adult responsibilities. 门槛者指的是刚跨入成人门槛的年轻人,尤其是那些为离家或开始承担成人义务而感到焦虑或...
12-07-28 A 17-year-old shouted 'Allahu Akbar' - Arabic for 'God is Great' - as he unsuccessfully tried to grab the Olympic torch during a stretch of the flame's route through Maidstone towards Redhill. 在伦敦奥运火炬从梅德斯通向红山传递的过程中,一位17岁少年...
11-05-17 Teenagers are distinctly unrealistic about how much they will earn as an adult, a study has found. 一项调查发现,英国青少年对自己成年后的收入有着很不切实际的期望。 The survey revealed the average teenager expects to be paid more than 60,000 a year b...
09-12-23 A new study looks in depth深入地,全面地 at the social relationships between male and female teenagers, relational violence, and psycho-social adjustment factors such as loneliness, self- esteem尊重,尊敬 and satisfaction with life. The results show...
09-12-20 Fifteen percent of US teenagers aged 12 to 17 who own mobile phones have received nude or nearly nude images of someone they know, according to a survey released on Tuesday. 本周二公布的一项调查显示,美国年龄在12岁至17岁之间有手机的青少年中,有15%的...
09-12-18 Canadian teenagers are among the largest consumers of cannabis印度大麻 worldwide. The damaging effects of this illicit违法的,不正当的 drug on young brains are worse than originally thought, according to new research by Dr. Gabriella Gobbi, a psychi...
09-11-28 More than one in 10 UK teenagers has been left without a job or college place, despite 11 years of compulsory education, figures show. 最新数据显示,英国超过十分之一的青少年毕业后没有工作或继续读大学尽管他们已接受了十一年的义务教育。 The number of 1...
09-07-29 U.S. teens are getting sex education, but most are not learning about birth control from their parents, new government data showed on Thursday. And rates of infection with sexually transmitted diseases reflect this -- the annual rate of AIDS diagnos...
09-07-29 Zac Sunderland poses for photographs at the Marina Del Rey in California Photo. A 17-year-old US mariner steered his battered sailboat into a Southern California harbour on Thursday to complete a gruelling 13-month voyage and become the youngest per...