• 19岁前生仔的母象往往会死于50岁前

    14-03-10 Asian elephants that give birth as teenagers die younger than older mothers but raise bigger families during their lifetime, according to new research from the University of Sheffield. Experts from the University's Department of Animal and Plant Sci...

  • 肌肉发达的男性寿命可能更长

    12-11-21 How muscular you are as a teenager may predict how long you live, at least if you are a man. 青少年身体的强壮程度可能预示着寿命的长短,至少对于男性来说是这样。 Swedish experts who tracked more than a million teenage boys for 24 years found those wit...

  • Many UK teenage girls abused by boyfriends: study 调查:英国

    09-09-12 A third of teenage British girls say they have suffered sexual abuse at the hands of their boyfriends, according to a report by a children's charity on Tuesday. A quarter of girls also experienced violence, the National Society for the Prevention of...
