• tech creche 电子产品托儿所

    22-03-29 现在的人们已经习惯了有手机作伴,而渐渐忽略了身边的人、事、景。电子产品托儿所(tech creche)应运而生,它将告诉我们怎样去享受大自然、拥抱大自然。 The trilling of mobile phones in the forest may be a thing of the past with the introduction of what is b...

  • 延长电子产品的使用寿命

    21-02-08 比起扔掉旧的、不想要的或坏了的电子产品,修理它们,用它们升级再造新物,既环保又能让人充满成就感。 Have you got any gadgets hanging around your home that you no longer want or use? Between us, we have millions of bits of tech stockpiled in drawers tha...

  • 中国欲成高科技产业领导者引韩国忧虑

    16-03-25 Chinas push to become a world leader in high-tech industries has one neighbor particularly worried about new competition on the block: South Korea. 中国正在努力寻求成为高科技产业的世界领导者,这样的野心引起了邻国韩国的忧虑。韩国担心自己会迎来新的竞...

  • Autonomous tech 'requires debate' 自主技术“存在争议”

    09-08-20 The coming age of lorries that drive themselves or robots that perform surgery is fraught with legal and ethical issues, says a new report. 一项新报道称,即将到来的会自己开车的卡车、会实行外科手术的机器人的时代充满了法律上和伦理上的争议。 Fully auto...
